The Obama stimulus act was huge (787 billion dollars) but none of that was put aside for checks to be sent to people. Bush sent out checks to get people to spend money and get the economy going. He could do that because unemployment was still reasonably low, especially compared with today.
In 2010, there will still be 10% unemployment and companies are not hiring. There is a job crisis in this country and Obama is sending all the stimulus rebate grants and money to businesses, state governments, and local governments.
There will be no checks going out in the mail to people and instead there will be some tax credits they can take advantage of. These tax credits are not much consolation though to people who need money and need it now. If you are one of those saying "I need a job now" or "I need money now", the tax breaks aren't going to help you put food on the table.
2010 stimulus rebate checks may not be in the mail next year so it is time to buckle your belt and stretch the dollars you do have. Get out and keep looking for a job if you don't have one because Obama and his administration have their own problems they are trying to figure out how to solve.
You see not everyone thinks the stimulus bill and all the money handed out is a good thing. Some are rejecting it based on principle while others are rejecting it based on other reasons. Political views have caused some politicians to reject the funds and others just don't want to have anything to do with all the strings attached to getting the money.
When funds are rejected, this means that jobs are lost that might have been saved had the stimulus funds been accepted. Those who have lost jobs are now suing their state and local governments and it is all one huge mess. People who would have benefited from the funds are now very angry at their local leaders who have rejected the stimulus.
Anytime an amount as large as 787 billion is involved, you have to know that some nightmare scenarios are going to develop. The stimulus money Obama being handing out is causing all sorts of chaos, deception, fraud, and hard feelings all over the country.
If you are looking for ways to profit from Obama stimulus grants or this stimulus bill, you are probably astounded to hear that some are turning it down. So many people are in need and yet there is all sorts of behind the scene shenanigans going on that is starting to make this Recovery Act look like a joke.
It is amazing that this many people can still be under the impression that there is free money to be given away. It is clear that many of those waiting more than 8 hours had no clue what was really going on and just showed up to get some free money.
There are no Obama stimulus grants for individual people and President Obama is NOT giving away free money. If people tell you that you are entitled to some Obama dollars just because you voted for him, because you are black, because you are poor, or any other reason, it does not mean that you will be getting money.
** Urgent! Your Action Is Needed! ** Millions of dollars in federal & private grants may soon go unrewarded! The Government is now Mailing Checks! You must act now if you want to apply for this money: >> CLICK HERE
1) See which grants you are eligible for!
2) Learn how to apply in seconds!
3) You could get a check in the mail! You DON'T have to pay this grant money back!
They then have an ad that might be this one or any one of a number of other ads:
These grant ads take you to a sales page that has all the usual verbage about the government is now mailing out lots of checks and it is easy to get one. In addition they show the logo of MSN, CNN, FOX, CBS, ABC, and NBC as though these news outlets have all talked about and endorsed their grants program.
The scam is that in the fine print they say that if you don't cancel your "free trial" after 3 days or 7 days or one week, your credit card will be charged some big amount like $85.95 or $89.95, or $49.99 or some other substantial amount.
They make it sound like a free trial with just a small handling fee but they will make it near impossible for you to cancel. These "hidden" charges in the fine print are only seen by people who know enough to always read the terms and conditions. They are really trying to trick you into some government grants program that will give you no different information than you can get for free.
The important thing is that there are no special Obama stimulus grants and this is not some special time where you can get money from the government like these emails want you to believe. The government is NOT mailing out grant checks just because Obama is in office and you shouldn't be fooled by these emails.
First of all, I thought the Obama stimulus grants were supposed to create jobs! Instead, the US continues to have higher and higher unemployment and it is getting hard to believe anything that comes out of Washington. Is there anybody who really thinks Obama knows how to create jobs?
Obama and the socialist Democrats just don't understand that to create jobs, they need to get out of the way. THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT CREATE REAL JOBS! They never have and they never will. There is no such thing as Obama jobs and he will never do anything but increase inflation and lose jobs by the tactics he is using now.
This Obama jobs summit is nothing more than another one of his photo ops designed to make it look like he is doing something and knows what he is doing. How many more months and years will it take for people to realize that the Obama administration is hurting this country badly.
You can view the GSA contract to see that 18 million of our taxpayer dollars are being spent on this website which has had numerous allegations that the information on it isn't even accurate. It looks to me like we need special Obama stimulus grants just for the building of this website alone!
The stimulus grants and loans that are being given out across the country are going to come out of our tax for generations to come. To now see that one website costs 18 million dollars when the government pays for it just shows how incompetent our representatives in Washington are. There is no way in hell that Recovery.org, no matter how complicated a website it is, can legitimately cost eighteen million dollars. Am I wrong?
That is the problem: you have to be smart enough to understand what is being given away or in a position to receive it. If you want to see the government's website on how the money is being distributed you can go to Recovery.gov. There is no doubt that it is a slick website but it is totally overwhelming to the average Joe. There is no way that a simple person like you or me will be able to gain any useful knowledge from that website.
If you want to get some of the Obama stimulus money in the form of a grant, the site directs you to the Grants.gov. There again, if you do a keyword search for what you need a grant for, you will be totally confused with all the differnt grants and information that comes up. Most people want to keep things simple and they need college grants, business grants, back to school grants, medical grants, or they just need money. I think if you go to the site you will find that nothing is as easy or as clear as that.
There are so many Obama grant scams because of this very fact: the govenment grant process is totally confusing and you almost need to be a lawyer to figure it out. Many times, poor people or people who are down on their luck are the ones searching for grants. These are the very people that will find it the hardest to understand grants and how to apply for them. This is why the grant scammers can make money because they have easy targets in these people who need help.
It is quite clear that average people are not going to profit much from this stimulus bill. The ones who are making money are big companies and other entities that are in a position to get grants and loans and know how to apply. For you and me though, getting Obama stimulus grants is just a fantasy.
When you go online and do a Google search for grants for debt relief, you don't find anything specific. All you find are some spammy websites and some articles that really don't tell you anything or lead you anywhere productive. This lead me to believe there is no such thing and anyone looking for a government program for debt forgiveness is going to be disappointed.
What you can find are private debt consolidation companies that will work with your creditors and hopefully lower the interest rates you are being charged. When you owe lots of money, sometimes the credit card companies will work with you and give you a better payment schedule and interest rates. The thinking here is that they would rather have some money from you than risk maybe getting nothing at all.
People who declare bankruptcy end up being creditor's worst nightmares because they often get nothing from them. Instead of getting nothing, if persuaded, they will sometimes agree to work with you in hopes that you will eventually pay the money back. This is what credit consolidation companies do: they work with your creditors to get better terms for you.
The government does not have any agency like this or any debt relief grants that can give you money to help get you by until you find a job or are in a better financial position. People still look for government help though, as they think the government is the solution to all their problems.
He has raised the Pell grants cover by about a $1000 and there are some tax benefits too that you can get for part of the tuition cost. Other than that, there is nothing really specific or new from Obama regarding new grants or new loans.
If you are looking for some Obama moms back to school grants, there is a free drawing every month for a $10,000 scholarship. It is totally free to enter and all you have to do is sign up for it. They have additional drawings every month and actually you don't have to be a mom to win. All you have to be is 18 or older and it is 100% free to sign up - Scholarships 4 Moms.
Any moms return to school program sounds great but my research shows there isn't any such specific program. (if I am wrong please leave a comment and let me know) Getting a job right now is hard so it is a good time to return to college (if you can afford it) and finish your degree. If you are able to do that, by the time the economy picks up, you will be better equipped to get a job with your completed education. You might be able to use an Obama grant or loan to go back to school but it seems there are no such things, at least at the present time.
Just like almost everything the government is involved with, not only is there a lot of red tape you have to cut through but the whole grant process is very confusing to a normal person. The main government website is Grants.gov and if you go there and start poking around, your head may begin to spin.
On this page here about who is eligible for a grant, you find out that you must go to another website if you are seeking a personal grant or student loans. It seems the grants.gov site is just for businesses and state governments hoping to get grants and not for individual people. Who knew?
There are several other websites listed and lots of confusing things that lead you to one page after another. Any person on that website who is looking for a personal grant or Obama back to school grants for moms is likely going to leave without any clue of what they need to do. You see, in order to understand that website and the whole grant process, you almost have to be a lawyer or someone who is highly educated. The government never makes things easy and understanding grants, who they are available for, and how to apply for them is something that is not clearly explained.
Government stimulus grants were not designed as personal grants for everyday people and there is little stimulus money that is allocated for that purpose. If you do want a grant for your business, your home, your education or any other personal reason, it is going to be very difficult for you to understand exactly what is available and where to go to try and get it. This is just another typical government puzzle that we all have to muddle through to get on with our lives and try to make it better.
First of all, right from the start, if they do exist please leave a comment and let me know where to go to read more about them. All I have been able to find in all my searches is this Obama speech labeled the Back to School Event. In it he encourages young people to study hard and work hard in school so that they can learn and do their best in life. Nothing in it at all about Obama stimulus grants or back to school grants.
Why then is there this rumor that there are these new stimulus grants just for moms who want to return to school. Why do people keep thinking that President Obama has set up special grants just for the purpose of getting people back to school. All he did was make one speech encouraging the youth of our country to do their best.
School loans are needed by so many people now because the price of schooling is outrageous. Even in grades 1 through 12, many parents feel they need to send their children to private school just because the public school system is so bad. This creates a need for school loans and people needing to borrow money just to get their children through high school in some cases.
Then when college time comes around, the tuition skyrockets to incredible highs for some of the colleges around the country. Any student wanting to go to a private big name college might have to pay more than $100,000 in some cases just for a 4 year degree. How can any degree be worth that much? This means people will continue to look for back to school grants for moms in hopes that there is indeed something out there for them. I could be wrong and if I am please let me know but I don't think there is any special Obama moms back to school grants.
The FTC decided to come in and stop some of the online ads and companies that were pitching "Obama Grants". You can read about the story here at the FTC website. There were many grant companies that were using a picture of President Obama to lure you into thinking there were tons of grants just for you because he was elected. Where they went really wrong is in what they were claiming and what they put in the fine print.
These grant specialists claimed that there were large amounts of dollars available to you and they would (not could) help you get some of them. All you had to do was give them your credit card to pay for the small shipping fee and they would send you a CD which would explain everything. What a good deal right? Only $1.97 or some other small amount and you could learn how to get a grant from Obama and the government that would never have to be repaid.
The fine print that you had to click through to see was intimidatingly long just like any fine print it seems now days. The tricky part outlined that they would give you a varying degree of a free trial (anywhere from 3 to 7 days) and if you didn't cancel by then you would be charged a monthly fee of $49.95 or $79.95 or some other hefty amount.
People looking for these Obama grants were doing so because they needed money. Much to their surprise and shock, soon after they ordered these seemingly harmless kits their credit cards were being charged the bigger charges and they had to scramble to get the kit cancelled. Additionally, many people had an extremely difficult time cancelling the kit and many had to have their credit cards cancelled to stop the monthly charges.
Should the FTC have jumped in or is it people's responsibility to read the fine print? This is a question that is up for debate as this is a free country and people should be responsible for their actions and if they never read the fine print, then perhaps they have to take some of the blame. However, there is no judgement being made here in this post other than to say that you need to be careful when you give your credit card out.
Obama grants scams are still going on but there are fewer of them out there. It seems the grant process is a confusing one that many people feel they need help with. Even though the federal grant application process is free, some companies can make money by guiding you through the process and helping you apply. You have to remember that no company can guarantee you will get a grant and you have to read all the fine print to make sure you understand what you are signing up for. Obama grants scams are still alive and well and you need to be on your guard so you are not fooled by one of them.
If you would like to see where the stimulus bill money is going, please take a look at the official website for keeping track of that here at recovery.gov. Spending any time on that site will show you that there are no grants going out to regular people and all the money is going to businesses as well as state and local governments.
That doesn't mean for sure that you haven't profited from the stimulus bill in some way. You might still have a job because of that bill or you might have gotten hired for a job that came about because of that bill. Money is being spread about everywhere and you might very well have indirectly benefited from some of the stimulus money and not even know it.
However, indirectly benefiting is not what people want as there is great need in this country. People are still losing their jobs and their homes and they need all the financial aid they can get. In times of need, grants come to mind for many people as they might have seen ads for them somewhere or heard about them through a friend.
This need for government grants from Obama has led to many shady ads on the Internet. Some companies will tell you that they can help get you a grant and all you have to do is sign up for a "free" CD and pay just $1.97 shipping. What you might not read in the fine print though are the details that say they will charge your credit card a monthly fee of $49.99 or $79.98 thereafter.
These suspect companies make it sound like they can guarantee you will get a grant and they cannot do that as no grant is a guarantee. Some of them also used pictures of Obama to sell their free grant assistance which was never free. The FTC got involved with that and has put a stop to some of these ads but there are still ones out there that are less than honest.
The truth is that the grant process is free. Unfortunately though, like anything the government gets involved with, it is confusing and difficult to figure out how to apply for them and this is where those Obama grants ads come in. They make it sound like they will do the work for you for free when in fact they will be charging you.
Did People Vote For The President Just To Get Money?
Obama government grants are something many people thought they were going to get. They had hoped for school grants, grants for Moms, home repair grants, debt relief grants, grants for medical expenses, and just generally a lot of free Obama money coming their way.
President Obama did pass the stimulus bill and it is the biggest handout of our taxpayers money ever but it seems, most of it is going to big companies and state governments. That money is indirectly helping people by saving their jobs and creating a few new ones but it is not the direct handout of cash that so many people thought they were going to get.
We see evidence of the desire for free money and free stuff in the news every night. The Obama health care bill is the big thing right now that is getting all the coverage. Why do you think so many people want universal health care? Is it really because they are concerned for their fellow citizens or is it because they think they might be able to get something for free.
In 2009, 47% of the households in America won't owe federal income taxes and you can read about that here on the Clinton News Network. Yet these are the same people that are screaming that they have no money and want free health care. This society has become a society of leeches and everyone seems to think they deserve free things. They think that just being born gives them the right to all the things that past generations had to work for.
The Obama free grants culture is a dangerous one and it is something that has to be reversed if this country is going to survive. There is no free lunch and that is a saying that more Americans should familiarize themselves with.
Are There Real Obama Stimulus Grants?
Many individual people have taken to the Internet to try and find information on Obama grants but they are left confused and dazed. There aren't many new grants for individual people but they don't know that and it may take them a while to figure it out. When you add to that the amount of false advertising that is out there, you get many people who believe these grants are real and just waiting for them. The reality is that you almost have to hire a lawyer to figure out what is really available, how to qualify for it, and then how to apply for it.
Stimulus grants that are part of the stimulus bill are mostly aimed at businesses and governments. Unfortunately, just like everything else the government does, they are hard to access and to find information on. Businesses and local governments who want to get a grant need to send experts to find out what they need to do to get some of this much needed money.
Obama grants are something that so many people want that the demand is very high. With jobs so scarce, people and businesses that never thought they would be applying for a grant are scrambling to try to find information on them. This is a tough time for many and it looks grim for the foreseeable future.
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