The 3.83 TRILLION dollar budget proposed by President Obama has a lot of things in it that are supposed to help the economy. You can read about it here: Obama budget.
The question is whether the budget really helps everyday people and whether it creates jobs as it is supposed to. Most people right now are amazed at how much money is being spent by the government and how little benefit they are getting. With unemployment remaining around 10% and people everywhere out of work, where is all the government money really going?
$3.83 trillion is more money than ever before in the history of the United States. Is any of it going to the little people to help them get by. Are there any new Obama stimulus grants to help individuals in trouble instead of the big companies?
Right now, the Obama administration is throwing money around everywhere and just hoping it somehow helps. Little people who are in debt are getting no help and they are looking for government grants or some kind of debt relief help that will make it easier for them to get through this crises. Meanwhile President Obama seems to be oblivious to the plight of the normal person and just concerned about his government and big corporations.
After proposing the biggest budget in our history, will anything really change for us other than our country going more in debt? Where is this money really going and who is really profiting? I for one, would love to know because I don't see any of this money going to help anyone I know.