Everyone has heard about the stimulus bill and knows there is a lot of money being given away by our government. I think the number is about 787 BILLION dollars that this administration is handing out to anyone who is smart enough to get it.

That is the problem: you have to be smart enough to understand what is being given away or in a position to receive it. If you want to see the government's website on how the money is being distributed you can go to There is no doubt that it is a slick website but it is totally overwhelming to the average Joe. There is no way that a simple person like you or me will be able to gain any useful knowledge from that website.

If you want to get some of the Obama stimulus money in the form of a grant, the site directs you to the There again, if you do a keyword search for what you need a grant for, you will be totally confused with all the differnt grants and information that comes up. Most people want to keep things simple and they need college grants, business grants, back to school grants, medical grants, or they just need money. I think if you go to the site you will find that nothing is as easy or as clear as that.

There are so many Obama grant scams because of this very fact: the govenment grant process is totally confusing and you almost need to be a lawyer to figure it out. Many times, poor people or people who are down on their luck are the ones searching for grants. These are the very people that will find it the hardest to understand grants and how to apply for them. This is why the grant scammers can make money because they have easy targets in these people who need help.

It is quite clear that average people are not going to profit much from this stimulus bill. The ones who are making money are big companies and other entities that are in a position to get grants and loans and know how to apply. For you and me though, getting Obama stimulus grants is just a fantasy.

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