Today President Obama is having a White House jobs summit where he is inviting leaders from companies of all sizes. They are supposedly getting together to toss around ideas on how to spur the economy and create jobs.

First of all, I thought the Obama stimulus grants were supposed to create jobs! Instead, the US continues to have higher and higher unemployment and it is getting hard to believe anything that comes out of Washington. Is there anybody who really thinks Obama knows how to create jobs?

Obama and the socialist Democrats just don't understand that to create jobs, they need to get out of the way. THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT CREATE REAL JOBS! They never have and they never will. There is no such thing as Obama jobs and he will never do anything but increase inflation and lose jobs by the tactics he is using now.

This Obama jobs summit is nothing more than another one of his photo ops designed to make it look like he is doing something and knows what he is doing. How many more months and years will it take for people to realize that the Obama administration is hurting this country badly.

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